Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weight Loss Spells Are The New Weight Loss Alternative

For years and years people have struggled with weight loss. Thousands of weight loss products and exercise equipment have come and gone. Weight loss spells are becoming a new alternative to losing weight varying from 10lbs to over 100lbs. How does this work? Spells consist of energy. When large amounts of energy is redirected to help redirect a specific outcome the results are phenomenal.
Everyone has different reason as to why they want to lose weight. Women generally struggle with their weight a little more then men do because society can put pressure on them to be a smaller size. Women with larger wastes, flabby arms and a full face do not generally end up on the cover of magazines. Another reason for wanting to shed some pounds is to help maintain a healthy body and decrease the risk of some diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise is always a good way to help lose weight or refrain from gaining weight. Lets be realistic in a fast paced society that we live in today it can be more and more challenging to find time to exercise properly.

New-age witchcraft magic spells has recently introduced spells to help people lose weight. Weight loss spells were not popular during the middle ages and people looked at heavier women as more attractive. This is not the case any longer. Witches in this period did not care at all about how heavy they became or how unhealthy their bodies were becoming. It was the middle ages! This may even be the reason why history involving witches describe them as stout or pudgy. This is also one of the main reasons why weight loss spells have only come to light within the last 50 years. Only very strong covens are able to

Wiccan weight loss spells had not been concocted during this period in Wiccan history. Since women mostly perform Wiccan weight loss spells, it is crucial that they call upon Goddesses to aid in their request. Usually Wiccans evoke the aid of Venus, the Goddess of Beauty. However, it really does not matter which Goddess a person calls upon to help her in granting the request.Venus also symbolizes the moon, which to Wiccans is sacred for it lights up the night sky during rituals and sabbatical celebrations. They believe that the moon brings them mystical powers and provides the energy they need for spiritual sustenance.  In fact, some Wiccans practice moon bathing, wherein they are skyclad (naked) under a full moon. They believe this is an effective way of harnessing energy and also provides the body with vitality and vigor. The beauty about casting a spell in Wicca is that you can change or alter some steps or procedures according to your preference. Wiccans are very open about their spell-casting rituals; so far as they encourage fellow Wiccans to go through their Book of Shadows to share spells and potions which have been found to be effective and powerful.

A very effective weight loss spell is the Venus Evocation, which has been passed on from generations of witches since the 1950s. This Venus Evocation surely will help you to lose some of the weight you have been longing to lose:
“Venus, Goddess of Beauty…Goddess of Women…Goddess of Love. I evoke your power to aid me, make me strong; to fill me with your power, to help me in my purpose. To be the best that I can be.”
This sounds very general to losing weight, so you may add in general how many pounds you want to lose, along with how much time you believe you’ll take to lose them. Since you have started with evoking the Goddess Venus, it is a must that you also address to her any additional stanzas which you create.
You should see the results of this Wiccan weight loss spell in less than a month. Keep in mind that you also need to accompany the weight loss spell with diet and exercise. It will also take physical effort and action to reach your goal of losing weight.

For more information on weight loss spells visit

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